Publications - Foilseacháin

Your guide to the ACRES CP Scheme

Agri-Climate Rural Environment Scheme (ACRES) is an ambitious scheme which seeks to deliver environmental improvements through a wide range of actions, including new results-based components.

Results-based agri-environment payment schemes reward farmers for committed environmental effort by linking payments to the quality of environmental outcomes delivered.

This approach provides an opportunity for you to earn payments for managing your farmland in a nature friendly manner in tandem with producing high quality food.

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Achill Island Gunnera Pilot Farm Project

Gunnera tinctoria, also known as Wild or Chilean Rhubarb is a highly invasive alient species that has been spreading on Achill Island for over seventy years.

A pilot farm study was set up on a field on Achill Island that has a severe infestation of Gunnera spreading on the site for over 15 years.

This study set out to assess possible options to improve and develop appropriate and environmentally sensitive management solutions for the control of Gunnera on agricultural land in Ireland as part of the ACRES CP scheme.

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Commonage scoring in West Connacht

ACRES West Connacht Co-operation Project Team scored circa 170,000ha of commonage in 2023 across Northwest Connacht and South Mayo Connemara. This represents the first time that the habitat quality of all commonagees in the region has been assessed in such a way, providing us with important information on the environmental health of a large portion of the west of Ireland countryside.

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Fire Damage Project

In May 2024, a fire burned 7 hectares of a large commonage area in County Mayo within the ACRES West Connacht Cooperation Project zone. ACRES West Connacht started a research project on the site which aims to better understand how long it takes the area to recover after a fire and to improve management advice for farmers to reduce the risk of fires on their land.

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Tips for habitat management - Peatland habitat

March 2024

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Tips for habitat management - Grassland habitat

March 2024

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ACRES Non productive investments presentation

November 2023

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